How to Get Started
Getting Started
Actually, it is pretty easy getting started. You can reach me by phone at (410) 616-0591, email at, or through the contact page (make this a link) on this website.
What I have found helpful in getting therapy off to a good start is having a brief 15-minute call with the couple or an individual to get some pertinent background information, let you know how I get started, and answer any questions you may have.
- Individual sessions are 50 minutes
- Couples sessions are 80 minutes
Individual and couples therapy starts off with an assessment, couples fill out a couples questionnaire between the first and second session. Afterwards both individuals and couples will receive insight and feedback on getting therapy off to a good start.
Couples inquiring about an intensive start off with a 1/2 hour Zoom consultation to get some detailed background information, let you know about the structure and process of the intensive and answer any questions you may have. If you choose to schedule an intensive, you will fill out some questionnaires that will help tailor the intensive to our needs and desires for your relationship.
- The Hare: this weekend retreat starts on a Friday evening, with work continuing all day Saturday and Sunday. This option is ideal for couples with busy schedules; who are coming from a distance and want to avoid commuting; who are deeply distressed and may even be on the brink of divorce; or who may need to achieve relationship goals more quickly.
- The Tortoise: three sessions (most of the day) spread out over a 3-month window. This option may be ideal if you live nearby and would like to take your time integrating what you learn into your lives.
- Other scheduling options may be considered.